Staff & Personnel In Quantity Surveying

Staff & Personnel In Quantity Surveying
Department Overview

Fabi, Jonathan Kehinde, Ph.D

Senior Lecturer

BSc. (Quantity Surveying), MSc.(Construction Management), PhD (Quantity Surveying)

About Fabi, Jonathan Kehinde, PhD

Senior Lecturer|BSc. (Quantity Surveying), MSc.(Construction Management), PhD (Quantity Surveying)




Quantity Surveying


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Risk management, Fuzzy synthetic evaluation, cost management, Public-private-partnership, Quantitative Techniques

Awards & Honours

  1. Best Postgraduate student Award,
  2. Certificate of Excellence in Thesis
  3. Graduate on time (GOT)

Teaching Areas

Measurement of Civil Engineering Works, Construction Management, Entrepreneurship, Tendering and Estimating

Selected Publications

  1. Fabi, J.K.; Hamid, R.A; Mustapa, M. and Mustapa, F.D. (2018). Evaluation of Risk Management Capability of Public Sector Participants in Build-Operate-Transfer Highway Projects in Nigeria. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 
  2. Awolesi, J.A.B and Fabi, J.K (2017). A Study of Involvement of Quantity Surveyors’ Involvement in Construction Contract Auditing in Nigeria. Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research and Development, Vol. 2, No. 1, 79-90
  3. Fabi, J.K. and Hamid, R. A. (2016). Choosing Appropriate Contingency Sum Estimating Methods for Highway Construction Projects in Nigeria: A Literature Review. Journal of Malaysian Institute of Planners. Volume 15, Issue 1, 13-20 (Scopus indexed Journal)
  4. Fabi, J. K. and Awolesi, J. A. B (2015). A Study of Risk Management Practice of Highway Projects in Nigeria. Journal of economics and sustainable Development, Vol. 6(18), 1-8
  5. Awolesi, J. A. B and Fabi, J. K (2015).  Assessment of Contractors’ Mitigating Measures for Cost Overrun of Building Projects in South-Western Nigeria.  Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 8, No. 9; 1-8 ISSN 1913-9063 E-ISSN 1913-9071
  6. Fabi J. K and Onakoya, B.O (2012). Effect of Procurement Methods on project performance. The Ilaro Journal of Management and Applied Sciences, Vol 2, 34-43 

Conferences Attended

  1. Fabi, J.K and Akinseinde, A.O. (2019).  Evaluation of Impediments to Sustainable Build-Operate-Transfer Highway Projects Development In Nigeria. 7th School of Environmental Conference, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. 23rd-25th, 2019
  2. Fabi, J.K; Hamid R.A; Mustapa, M. and Mustapa, F.D (2018). Assessment of Risk Management Capability of Private Sector Participants in Build-Operate-Transfer Highway Projects in Nigeria. IGCESH  2018 Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 13-15 Augut, 2018 
  3. Fabi, J.K; Hamid R.A and Mustapa, M.  (2018). Assessment of Risk Management Capability of Public Sector Participants in Build-Operate-Transfer Highway Projects in Nigeria. 2nd Asia International Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC 2018). Universiti Teknologi, Malaysis, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 12-13 May, 2018 
  4. Fabi, J.K; Hamid, R.A and Mustapa, M. (2017). Factors Impeding Implementation of BOT Highway Projects in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICSESS 2017)
  5. Fabi, J. K and Hamid, A. R (2016).  Choosing Appropriate Method for Estimating Contingency Sum for Highway Projects in Nigeria. ICABE Conference, 5th-7th October, 2016. IIUM, Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia
  6. Fabi. J. K and Awolesi, J. A. B. (2015). An Assessment of Quantity Surveyors’ Involvement in Construction Contract Auditing in Nigeria. A paper presented at 2nd NIQS Research Conference, Federal University of Technology, Akure-Nigeria.
  7. Fabi, J. K; Awolesi, J.A. B and Akinseinde, O, A. (2015). Evaluation of Impact of Procurement Process on Project Performance. A paper presented at 2nd NIQS Research Conference, Federal University of Technology, Akure-Nigeria. 
  8. Fabi, J. K (2013). An Evaluation of Factors Influencing Increases in Cost of Highways in Nigeria. A paper presented at 1st NIQS Research Conference, Abuja-Nigeria.
  9. Fabi, J. K and Awolesi, J.A.B. (2013). A Comparative study of Risk Management Practice between Indigenous and Expatriate Contractors in Nigeria. A paper presented at RICS (COBRA) Conference, New Delhi- India.     
  10. Fabi, J. K., Akinsende, O. A and Awolesi J.A.B. (2012). Evaluation of Procurement Methods in use for Infrastructural Development in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 4th School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria
  11. Akinbola, K.B and Fabi, J. K (2012). A study of Shortfall in Infrastructures Matrix and Imperative of Public- Private Synergy in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 4th School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
  12. Fabi J. K., Akinbola, K.B and Akinsende, O. A (2012). An Assessment of Quantity Surveyors Involvement in Infrastructure Projects in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 4th School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
  13. Fabi, J. K., Awolesi J. A. B and Akinsende, O. A (2012). A Study of Risk Management Practice of Nigeria Infrastructural Development. A Paper Presented at the 4th School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.   
  14. Fabi, J. K., Akinseinde, O.A and Awolesi, J.A.B (2010). Risk, Health and Safety Issues in the Environment: the construction industry perspectives. A Paper Presented at the 3rd School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
  15. Fabi, J. K and Akinsende, O.A (2009): Effect of Globalization on the Nigeria Built Environment: A tool for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. A Paper Presented at the 2nd School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
  16. Fabi, J. K and Akinseinde, O. A (2009). Environmental Resource Management; challenges within the Built Environment Professional: the QS perspective. A Paper Presented at the 2nd School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
  17. Fabi, J. K and Akinsende, O.A (2008): Risk Assessment in Project: Implication on the Built Environment. A Paper Presented at the 1st School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.

Summary of Profile

Fabi Jonathan Kehinde holds a bachelor’s degree in quantity surveying from Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Osun state. He proceeded to University of Lagos Akoka, where he obtained a Master of Science degree in Construction Management. He later got a Doctor of Philosophy degree in quantity surveying from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He was awarded “Best postgraduate student  and Certificate of Excellence in Thesis  for his PhD in 2018.

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