Fabi, Jonathan Kehinde, Ph.D
Senior Lecturer
BSc. (Quantity Surveying), MSc.(Construction Management), PhD (Quantity Surveying)
About Fabi, Jonathan Kehinde, PhD
Senior Lecturer|BSc. (Quantity Surveying), MSc.(Construction Management), PhD (Quantity Surveying)
Quantity Surveying
National Diploma & Higher National Diploma
Research Interest
Risk management, Fuzzy synthetic evaluation, cost management, Public-private-partnership, Quantitative Techniques
Awards & Honours
- Best Postgraduate student Award,
- Certificate of Excellence in Thesis
- Graduate on time (GOT)
Teaching Areas
Measurement of Civil Engineering Works, Construction Management, Entrepreneurship, Tendering and Estimating
Selected Publications
- Fabi, J.K.; Hamid, R.A; Mustapa, M. and Mustapa, F.D. (2018). Evaluation of Risk Management Capability of Public Sector Participants in Build-Operate-Transfer Highway Projects in Nigeria. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems.
- Awolesi, J.A.B and Fabi, J.K (2017). A Study of Involvement of Quantity Surveyors’ Involvement in Construction Contract Auditing in Nigeria. Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research and Development, Vol. 2, No. 1, 79-90
- Fabi, J.K. and Hamid, R. A. (2016). Choosing Appropriate Contingency Sum Estimating Methods for Highway Construction Projects in Nigeria: A Literature Review. Journal of Malaysian Institute of Planners. Volume 15, Issue 1, 13-20 (Scopus indexed Journal)
- Fabi, J. K. and Awolesi, J. A. B (2015). A Study of Risk Management Practice of Highway Projects in Nigeria. Journal of economics and sustainable Development, Vol. 6(18), 1-8
- Awolesi, J. A. B and Fabi, J. K (2015). Assessment of Contractors’ Mitigating Measures for Cost Overrun of Building Projects in South-Western Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 8, No. 9; 1-8 ISSN 1913-9063 E-ISSN 1913-9071
- Fabi J. K and Onakoya, B.O (2012). Effect of Procurement Methods on project performance. The Ilaro Journal of Management and Applied Sciences, Vol 2, 34-43
Conferences Attended
- Fabi, J.K and Akinseinde, A.O. (2019). Evaluation of Impediments to Sustainable Build-Operate-Transfer Highway Projects Development In Nigeria. 7th School of Environmental Conference, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. 23rd-25th, 2019
- Fabi, J.K; Hamid R.A; Mustapa, M. and Mustapa, F.D (2018). Assessment of Risk Management Capability of Private Sector Participants in Build-Operate-Transfer Highway Projects in Nigeria. IGCESH 2018 Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 13-15 Augut, 2018
- Fabi, J.K; Hamid R.A and Mustapa, M. (2018). Assessment of Risk Management Capability of Public Sector Participants in Build-Operate-Transfer Highway Projects in Nigeria. 2nd Asia International Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC 2018). Universiti Teknologi, Malaysis, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 12-13 May, 2018
- Fabi, J.K; Hamid, R.A and Mustapa, M. (2017). Factors Impeding Implementation of BOT Highway Projects in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences (ICSESS 2017)
- Fabi, J. K and Hamid, A. R (2016). Choosing Appropriate Method for Estimating Contingency Sum for Highway Projects in Nigeria. ICABE Conference, 5th-7th October, 2016. IIUM, Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia
- Fabi. J. K and Awolesi, J. A. B. (2015). An Assessment of Quantity Surveyors’ Involvement in Construction Contract Auditing in Nigeria. A paper presented at 2nd NIQS Research Conference, Federal University of Technology, Akure-Nigeria.
- Fabi, J. K; Awolesi, J.A. B and Akinseinde, O, A. (2015). Evaluation of Impact of Procurement Process on Project Performance. A paper presented at 2nd NIQS Research Conference, Federal University of Technology, Akure-Nigeria.
- Fabi, J. K (2013). An Evaluation of Factors Influencing Increases in Cost of Highways in Nigeria. A paper presented at 1st NIQS Research Conference, Abuja-Nigeria.
- Fabi, J. K and Awolesi, J.A.B. (2013). A Comparative study of Risk Management Practice between Indigenous and Expatriate Contractors in Nigeria. A paper presented at RICS (COBRA) Conference, New Delhi- India.
- Fabi, J. K., Akinsende, O. A and Awolesi J.A.B. (2012). Evaluation of Procurement Methods in use for Infrastructural Development in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 4th School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria
- Akinbola, K.B and Fabi, J. K (2012). A study of Shortfall in Infrastructures Matrix and Imperative of Public- Private Synergy in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 4th School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
- Fabi J. K., Akinbola, K.B and Akinsende, O. A (2012). An Assessment of Quantity Surveyors Involvement in Infrastructure Projects in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 4th School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
- Fabi, J. K., Awolesi J. A. B and Akinsende, O. A (2012). A Study of Risk Management Practice of Nigeria Infrastructural Development. A Paper Presented at the 4th School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
- Fabi, J. K., Akinseinde, O.A and Awolesi, J.A.B (2010). Risk, Health and Safety Issues in the Environment: the construction industry perspectives. A Paper Presented at the 3rd School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
- Fabi, J. K and Akinsende, O.A (2009): Effect of Globalization on the Nigeria Built Environment: A tool for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. A Paper Presented at the 2nd School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
- Fabi, J. K and Akinseinde, O. A (2009). Environmental Resource Management; challenges within the Built Environment Professional: the QS perspective. A Paper Presented at the 2nd School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
- Fabi, J. K and Akinsende, O.A (2008): Risk Assessment in Project: Implication on the Built Environment. A Paper Presented at the 1st School of Environmental Studies Conference, Federal polytechnic, Ilaro-Nigeria.
Summary of Profile
Fabi Jonathan Kehinde holds a bachelor’s degree in quantity surveying from Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Osun state. He proceeded to University of Lagos Akoka, where he obtained a Master of Science degree in Construction Management. He later got a Doctor of Philosophy degree in quantity surveying from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He was awarded “Best postgraduate student and Certificate of Excellence in Thesis for his PhD in 2018.